Tincuta Heinzel

Tincuta Heinzel (RO)

Artist, teoretician and curator. After studying visual arts at the University of Arts and Design from Cluj and cultural anthropology at the Babeş-Bolyai University (2001), Tincuta Heinzel is now a doctorand of the Paris 1 Panthèon-Sorbonne University. She had the French Government Scholarship (2002-2003) and a DAAD Scholarship (2005) for a research in ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany. Her theoretical preocupations have foccused around the themes of new media , mediatic discourse during the Comunist era, of the statuts of technique in art and design, of the report between art and technoscience. She initiated and coordinated the project Arii de conflu(x)enţă, organised during Luxembourg 2007 – Sibiu 2007 – European Cultural Capitals.

Tincuta Heinzel (RO) Tincuta Heinzel

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